A House of Quality Machineries

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Frequently Asked Question

Do you have any questions? Feel free to check our Frequently asked questions.

How old is your company?

Aayan Industries has been in business from 2015 and has been providing quality machineries at controlled prices to a lot of industries.

Do you provide warranty on these machines?

To learn about warranty please fill up the enquiry form in the enquiry page. We will get back to you shortly.

Are these machines trustworthy?

We make these machines with a lot of dedication to provide the best results.

Can I work at your industry?

Sure you can. Fill up the contact form in the career page and we will get back to you.

Are these machines costly?

No. We always try to provide the machines at controlled prices sop hat it can be accessible to aot of industrialists.

Do you provide customer support?

We make it a point to ensure that you  get the best customer support from our side.

Are the machines high maintenance?

No. These machines are very low maintenance. We make sure that our machines are helping your industry and not holding it back.

Can yours machines work under immense pressure?

Our machines are made with high quality products which can withstand the highest of workloads easily.

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